Resident Forms
Typically, it is advised that most of your interactions with your landlord be in the form of written communication. As such, using forms for common landlord-tenant interactions make this relationship more seamless. For your convenience, we have compiled all forms current and prospective residents will need. Whether you are just beginning the application process, need to pay rent, will be moving out soon, or simply need to contact an agent, all of the forms you need are located on this page.
Necessary Forms for Residents
90-Day Move-Out Notice
When moving out of a Scott Brown rental property, you are required to submit a written notice to vacate 90 days prior to your move-out date. You should also be sure to provide a forwarding address to ensure we can send your security deposit refund to you once it is processed.
Contact Scott Brown Properties
If you have any questions about the application process, leasing, moving in, or moving out, contact one of our expert leasing agents.
1400 Dallas Drive, Denton, TX 76205
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
Contact Information
T: 940.243.7368
F: 940.483.8329